Devices vs Instruments


What’s the difference between a device and an instrument? How can I use my phone as more of an instrument than a device?

Do the introduction, then watch the clip and complete the other activities.

Introduction: Human Barometer

Run a Human Barometer Activity with your class.

The goal is to get students talking about their perspective on device use, and if possible, to highlight the gaps between what they believe about the risks/benefits/dangers of technology and what they practice in their daily lives. Suggested statements:

  • “Teenagers would be healthier if smart phones didn’t exist”
  • “I spend too much time on devices”
  • “Mobile phones have made the world a better place”
  • “13 is too young to be given access to social media”
  • “It’s impossible to truly disconnect from the digital world these days”

Students do a Think-Pair-Share on the clip using the following:

  1. What is your initial reaction to the video? How much does the device – instrument idea make sense?
  2. Share an example of how you use your phone as a device, and another of how you use it as an instrument.
  3. Do you spend more time using your phone as an instrument or as a device?
Read & Discuss

Students read two short articles and discuss the following questions:

  1. How do the arguments in these articles relate to Andy Crouch’s words about instruments and devices?
  2. Discuss the degree to which you agree or disagree with the following quotes from Barney Zwartz’s article?

“So many people, when they feel lonely or anxious, pick up their phone and scroll, but it seems to lead to regret more than relief.”

“Humans are complicated beings: hearts, souls and minds, created for serious relationships, which screen relationships mostly can only parody.”

“Humans – embodied, spiritual, emotional, and longing for connection – can never be the same as machines.”

“Social media can be educational, entertaining and many good things but what it builds is counterfeit community.” 

Small Group

In small groups students read two short articles, discuss how they demonstrate the ability of technology, when used as an instrument, to help facilitate genuine community, and then they brainstorm ideas for a new website or app that could be used as an instrument to help people engage more with the world as human beings.