List blocks Info

Basically you need to list some blocks.

Content Lists!

Hear from our users

Marquee of media!

Marquee of random stuff

People (6 mini)

Josh Wayman

Head of Strategy and Digital


Admin account

People (4 grid)

Josh Wayman

Head of Strategy and Digital

A short bio because life is short sometimes.


Admin account

Content Columns – Default

3 Columns

3 Column Subheading

3 Column Subheading

3 Column Subheading

Content Columns – Default

4 Columns

Column 1


Column 3

Column 4

Content Columns – Feature Cards

3 Columns

The best
A Crash Course in AI Image Generatation

Josh talks some stuff about image generation and all that stuff using the bing image creator. There are other things you can use but they are a lot less free and the bing one is still quirky.