Thinking Out Loud

Once a week, a member of the CPX team “thinks out loud” in public – offering not conclusions, but launching-off points for conversation about what’s going on in the news right now, or in our cultural “moment”.

As with everything CPX does, the goal is to reframe things – to edge our way together towards a more expansive public imagination when it comes to Christian faith and the contribution it has to make to our shared life.

Here’s a collection of these columns. They are usually posted each Tuesday on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

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Being present

I just went to the funeral of a former colleague and was reminded of how…

The signs of the times

Another day, another (suspected) assassination attempt. More alleged victims of Diddy have come forward. Nazis…

Happy 100th birthday, President Carter

Today is the 100th birthday of the U.S.’s oldest living President: Jimmy Carter.  Even if…

Love thy skater

As spring continues to spring my family is embracing the joy of public parks. They…

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