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Living in Wonder with Rod Dreher

Life & Faith

Increasing interest in psychedelics, the occult, and the supernatural all point to one thing: enchantment is back.

Life & Faith

“The thing is you can’t have enchantment that’s only selective. You can’t only have the bright side. You also need to acknowledge the dark side. That’s one of the things I really wanted to do with this book and it caused some consternation with my first publisher. She didn’t want the dark side in there.”

The modern experience is one of disenchantment, argued sociologist Max Weber – a world from which the supernatural, and all gods and monsters, had been scrubbed.

Not anymore, apparently. Increasing interest in the occult, and people’s willingness to share about their ecstatic experiences, as well as their evil encounters with the supernatural, suggests a higher tolerance for talk about the spiritual realm – for good and ill.

Life & Faith kicks off 2025 with an eye-opening interview with journalist Rod Dreher, author of Living in Wonder: Finding Mystery and Meaning in a Secular Age. In this wide-ranging chat, Rod talks about the budding religion of technology worship, the experience of art and beauty as a gateway to enchantment, the possibly malign spiritual forces at work in our world, and his increasing conviction that the world is not what you think it is.


Rod’s book Living in Wonder 

Rod’s Substack