Youth & Schools

Many young people struggle to see the relevance of Christianity, while those with a faith need opportunities to explore conversations that display both intellectual integrity and humility.

At CPX we understand how to talk to audiences that have a diverse range of faith convictions. Our youth resources are designed to appeal to everyone – whether they’re curious, disinterested or critical.

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School Resources

Check out our range of units below

Class Units

We’ve created a range of units and lessons that you can use in part, or as a whole. Everything here is designed for young people who have a range of experiences and attitudes towards the Christian faith. Help your students discover a faith that is intellectually rigorous and deeply compassionate.

More Units

For the Love of God

Christianity has a mixed legacy. Explore 'the good, the bad and the ugly' with your…

Big Questions?

We're all trying to make sense of this world we live in, to find answers…

Teens & Tech

How do we help our teens develop a healthy relationship with the ever-growing tech influences…

Human Dignity

Issues relating to the value of human life are all around us, and young people…

Bites on the Bible

A short series of clips answering seven commonly-asked questions about the most-read book of all…

For the Love of God +

21 more lessons exploring the mixed contribution of Christianity to our shared history. 'For the…

CPX speakers

Meet our youth speakers

We want to help you to introduce your students to a Christianity that engages with popular culture and life’s big questions, in generous and meaningful ways.

Simon Smart

Executive Director

Nate Armsberry

Youth and Schools Co-ordinator

Max Jeganathan

Senior Research Fellow

Justine Toh

Senior Research Fellow

Natasha Moore

Senior Research Fellow

Need to speak to someone?

Get in touch with our Youth & Schools Co-ordinator.


Nate Armsberry
Youth & Schools Co-ordinator