The Church Under Nazi Rule


At times Christianity has been coopted by the State, but there are wonderful examples of resistance where believers have resisted those in power.

The church’s record of holding power has involved some terrible acts of coercion, exploitation, and abuse. Yet Jesus set an example of selfless service and started a “humility revolution” that fundamentally transformed the West and the way we think about leadership and power.

This lesson looks at how Christians in Germany responded to Nazi rule, and asks the questions: What has it looked like when Christians have desired power for their own benefit? & What has it looked like when they’ve chosen to forsake power for the good of others?


Class Discussion

Lead a class discussion on the questions:

  1. Do you associate Jesus Christ more with power or with humility?
  2. Do you think Christians/the church are overall more concerned with gaining and maintaining power, or with humbly serving others? What reasons do you have for your answer?

As a class brainstorm what the biggest challenge of being a Christian in Nazi Germany might have been.

Display the images of Nazi Germany and discuss how it would feel to be in these images. (The Church Under Nazi Rule Slides)

Imagine - Write - Evaluate

Students imagine that their neighbours in Nazi Germany have been removed from their house and they don’t know what happened to them. They write a letter to a friend explaining what has happened and how they intend to respond. The class can evaluate a range of options and which course of action is best.

Class Discussion (cont...)

Discuss the following questions:

  1. Have you ever felt that you or a group that you were a part of was being persecuted? How did you feel?
  2. What’s the bravest thing you have ever done? Why did you make the decision to do it, instead of taking the easier/safer/less scary option?


Watch & Respond

Watch the documentary excerpt ‘The Church Under Nazi Rule’ (7:46) then discuss how the majority of church leaders in Germany responded to the Nazi leadership? Consider why they chose to respond that way.

The movement of Christians who stood against the Nazis were called the Confessing Church. Discuss why they give themselves this name, and what their reasons were for resisting the Nazis?

Bonhoeffor Reflections

Students list three key events in the life of Dietrich Bonhoeffer and explain how these might be seen as a response to the life and teaching of Jesus. Display the Bonhoeffer quotes and discuss the meaning and relevance of each before leading a class discussion about how things may have been different if more church leaders had resisted the Nazis. (The Church Under Nazi Rule Slides)

Bible Study

Students read Mark 10:35-45 (and potentially re-enact) what happens before answering the following questions:

  1. In the ancient world, to sit at the left or right hand of a ruler was a position of authority and implied some participation in the experience of rule. What do you think the disciples imagined it would be like to “sit at Jesus’ left and right hand”?
  2. Jesus asks whether they are willing to share in the events that Jesus is about to experience (v.38)? Why do you think they are willing to agree?
  3. What is the model of “greatness” that Jesus outlines in v.41-45?
  4. Jesus says he has come to give his life as a ransom for many. What do you think he is talking about?

Display Luke 9:23-24 and discuss what Jesus meant and what his statement might mean for his followers today.


Brainstorm & Discuss

The class brainstorms what Jesus’ model of leadership as servanthood should look like in today’s world – in churches, families, workplaces, government etc.

Discuss any other examples (other than the church under Nazism) of when Christians have ignored or failed to stand against evil and injustice in order to maintain their power and comfort. Consider in what areas that could be an issue for Christians/the Church today.


Students research another Christian who was involved some way in resisting the Nazis, such as Martin Niemoller, Sophie Scholl, or Corrie Ten Boom. They write a one-page summary of some of the key events of their life, and how their Christian faith shaped their actions.