The church’s record of holding power from the 4th century onwards has involved some terrible acts of coercion, exploitation, and abuse. Yet Jesus set an example of selfless service and started a “humility revolution”.
This lesson looks at how the church’s fraught relationship with power began: with the conversion of Emperor Constantine.
Discussion & Brainstorm
Discuss the question: “How much do you think the church is an organisation with a ‘fixation on power’?” (Christian Imperialism Slides)
Students tell a partner what they would do if they had unlimited power for a day.
As a class brainstorm some of the ways in which having power can have both positive and negative effects.
Research & Discuss
Teacher displays the Lincoln, Acton, Gaddis and Ambrose quotes and invites students to respond to each as a group. (Christian Imperialism Slides)
Students find a recent news article or clip about a leader misusing power for their own gain, they compare their article/clip with a partner identifying the similarities and differences between examples.
Watch & Respond
Watch the documentary excerpt ‘The Empire Converts’ (4:55).
Students list the short-term changes which were experienced by the Christian community when Constantine won against Maxentius in 312 AD and gave the credit to Jesus Christ.
Display the David Bentley Hart quote and discuss what he means as a class. (Christian Imperialism Slides)
Students create a diagram to describe the contrast between the Renaissance Popes and Jesus. They also compose a meme to show the irony of a “warrior-pope”. (Display Titus 1:7)
Discuss & Brainstorm
Display the John G. Stackhouse Jr. quote and discuss why this might be true. (Christian Imperialism Slides)
In the clip Teresa Morgan said that while the conversion of Emperor Constantine did to some extent corrupt the Christian church, it also had some positive effects as it gave the church opportunities to do what it saw as good. Students brainstorm examples where the church has used its power and influence in society for good.
Bible Study
Students read Proverbs 3.33-34 and Proverbs 11.2 and answer the following questions.
- What do these proverbs show us about God’s attitude towards those who are proud?
- Is all pride bad? What kind of pride do you think these verses are talking about?
- What is the ultimate result of this kind of pride?
Students read 1 Peter 5.1-6 and create a mind-map of characteristics that this passage says an elder in the church should have.
- What motivations does the passage give for living this way?
- What differences do you notice between the instructions in this passage and the way Renaissance popes such as Julius II lived?
Students discuss leaders (Christian and secular) who they think display most of the characteristics listed in the 1 Peter passage. They should be prompted to consider the leader’s influence and how they inspire others.
Read & Respond
Students read an excerpt from the satire “Julius Excluded from Heaven”. (Christian Imperialism Slides)
Written shortly after the death of Julius II, most likely by Erasmus, the leading Christian thinker at the time, the satire is set at the gates of heaven, and contains a dialogue between Julius (his Genius) and the apostle Peter, who is traditionally imagined as the gatekeeper of heaven.
Students describe the picture we get of Julius from this dialogue and then compose five more questions for ‘Peter’ to ask Julius – including potential answers from Julius.
Extended Response
Students produce an extended response to the question:
“Do you think the church still has power and influence in Australian society today?”
Students offer evidence to back up their opinion and outline whether they think the church’s influence is mostly positive, negative, or neutral?
- Article: Francis is about authentic Christianity, not PR stunts (6 min)
Students read the article and write a summary of some differences between the life of Pope Francis and the lives of the Renaissance Popes.