This lesson explores the concepts of human dignity and our attitude to the vulnerable.
It focuses on how William Wilberforce’s belief that humanity is made in the “image of God” led him to campaign tirelessly for the abolition of the slave trade, and in doing so, change the course of history.
Class Discussion
Students discuss the following with a partner:
- Have you ever worn a wristband, ribbon, or something similar in support of a particular cause? Why did you choose to do it?
- Do you have any causes that you are passionate about? Why?
- What does “freedom” mean to you?
- Do you think the Christian Church is concerned about freedom for the oppressed?
Mindmap & Respond
As a class create a mind map outlining the key features of the 18th Century slave trade. They may use their existing knowledge or conduct some quick research.
Display the Slave Ship images and invite students to share their thoughts and feelings with the class. (Abolition Slides)
Students imagine they are a slave being transported from Africa to the Americas in the 1700’s. They compose a diary entry expressing their experiences and feelings.
Watch & Respond
Watch the documentary excerpt ‘Am I not a man and a brother? The abolition of the slave trade’ (7:36).
Students list and discuss the various causes that Wilberforce and the “Clapham Sect” campaigned on behalf of.
Display the Simon Smart ‘Wilberforce’ quote and discuss how Wilberforce’s faith motivated his level of activism – how the convictions of his faith shaped his values and choices. (Abolition Slides)
In small groups students explain the primary reasons why Wilberforce me with such opposition and consider how these forces might still influence society today.
Reflect & Respond
Display the Wedgewood image and ask the students to explain why this was a significant strategy, and how it became a powerful tool in the abolition movement (specifically the role that women played). (Abolition Slides)
Students create an image of the moment when the slave trade was finally abolished by the House of Representatives, and Wilberforce’s reaction, and discuss how they might have reacted if they were him in that moment?
Bible Study
Students read Luke 4:14-21 and answer the following questions.
- What does Jesus say God has sent him to do for… the poor / prisoners / the blind / the oppressed?
- How important do you think freedom from oppression was for Jesus?
- What does Jesus call his followers to do in this passage?
Students read Galatians 6:9 and answer the following questions.
- What does this verse call us to do? What reason does it give?
- What do you think the phrase “harvest a good crop” means here?
- Rewrite this verse in your own words.
Research, Create & Brainstorm
In small groups students research statistics around modern slavery / forced labour and create a product or a slogan (like Wedgwood’s offering) to raise awareness. These are shared with the group once completed.
Brainstorm the kind of qualities that a modern politician would need to be like Wilberforce.
Reflect & Discuss
On a post-it-note students write down one thing that they could do to promote equality and freedom either in their school, locally, or further abroad. These are stuck around the classroom and students read each other’s responses before discussing the suggestions as a group.
Extension 1
Students read a letter from John Wesley to William Wilberforce (possibly the last letter Wesley penned before his death). Students identify as many Bible verse as they can in the letter and write a diary entry for Wilberforce responding to receiving this letter.
Extension 2
Students find a recent news article about an example of modern slavery. They compose a Social Media post sharing the article and commenting on it, drawing on themes from this lesson.