Treasures on Earth


The wealth and influence of the Medieval Papacy was a far cry from the wandering Messiah. But some significant individuals embraced a very different expression of faith.

From decadent medieval popes to modern televangelists with private jets, religion and money can make for an unsavoury mix.

This lesson looks at how far the medieval papacy strayed from Jesus’ teaching on money, and how one abbot protested this by giving all he had to the poor.


Think & Respond

Students view two images and discuss how well they portray the true nature of Christianity. (Treasures on Earth Slides)

Students analyse the money quotes and discuss what they think each means, identifying which they agree most with. They then write their own quote or search up a verse or quote that they really like before sharing it with a partner and the group.

Students plot how important they think money is to happiness. (Treasures on Earth Slides)

I see, I think, I wonder

Students look at the stimulus images and complete an I see, I think, I wonder protocol. (Treasures on Earth Slides)


Define Key Terms

If necessary, students define these key terms before watching the clip: papacy, opulence, medieval, monk, bishop

Read & Respond

Display the Petrarch quote (Italian Renaissance poet and scholar). Students explain what they think Petrarch was saying about the wealth of the Medieval Church. (Treasures on Earth Slides)

Watch & Respond

Watch the documentary excerpt ‘Treasures on Earth’ (4:05) then students answer the following questions:

  1. What do you think Jesus meant when he told his followers not to “store up treasures on earth”?
  2. In what ways was the Medieval Church failing to reflect this ideal?
  3. How did Odo feel about the decadent lifestyles of church leaders? What actions did he undertake as an individual in response to his feelings?
  4. What strikes you about the account of Odo and John’s journey through famine-stricken Siena?
  5. How was Odo’s life a strong criticism of greedy churchmen?
Bible Study

Students read Matthew 6:19-21 and complete the following:

  1. Complete the sentences “Jesus says do not….” / “But rather…”
  2. Outline the main reason Jesus gives for not building up possessions on earth.
  3. Explain two reasons, from the passage, why followers of Jesus should focus on “heavenly treasures”.
  4. Do you think these teachings of Jesus make sense? Why or why not?

Students read 2 Corinthians 8:1-12 and outline three insights that this letter, from Paul to the Corinthian church, gives into what the early church was taught about money and generosity.


Class Discussion

Students discuss the following:


“You can’t live in a huge house if you are really serious about following Jesus.”


“Christians shouldn’t spend any money on entertainment. They should give that money to the poor instead.”


“On the weekend, my train went past a church that was huge! It had a brand-new building that would’ve cost at least 2 million dollars to build. I just don’t think churches should be spending that kind of money.”


Students draw a picture or write a description of what a modern-day Odo might be like.


Students discuss any ways in which they’ve seen Christians and Christian organisations putting Jesus’ teachings of ‘generosity and loving God, rather than money’ into practice.


Students read the article and write a paragraph response to each of the following:

  1. How has Pope Francis responded to the wealth available to him as Pope?
  2. What might this show us about Pope Francis’ character and values?